Tuesday, April 14, 2015

More details...about everything except the actual wedding

Now that you've all received the invitations and RSVP'd on time (cough), it's time to start nailing down logistics. For many of you, this simply means knowing exactly where and when to show up on Sunday, May 3. Your details will be forthcoming. Promise. But first...

...Saturday, May 2. Traditionally, there is a rehearsal dinner the night before a wedding and the couple invites close family and out of town guests to a sit-down dinner at a fancy restaurant. But seriously, is any part of our shindig "traditional" or "fancy"? Exactly. So we would like to invite all of you to an informal lunch that has nothing to do with rehearsing anything. Please join us at Thompson Boat Center in Georgetown (DC) from 12:00-3:00 PM for a buffet lunch. Depending on the number of people who participate, we will try to get a group discount on kayak, stand up paddleboard, or scull rentals. Because the wedding venue is outside of DC proper, we'd like to give everyone the opportunity to spend some time downtown, and viewing the monuments via kayak is pretty darn awesome. (Please stick to the river, however, or we lose the deposit.)

Cabin Camp! Now that you've had a chance to look for hotels, who is now thinking the cabin camps sound like a great idea after all? They are free, scenic, and quiet, but you will need to bring your own bedding. We'd really like to get a head count of who will be staying out there, so we can give you more detailed instructions. Cabins are available Friday-Sunday nights for free, and you can stay for any or all of those nights.

Extending the fun. There will be a lot of you coming in from far and away, and we'd like to have plenty of opportunities to see you. One idea is to meet on Friday, May 1 or Monday, May 4, for a no-host brunch at an inexpensive but delicious restaurant in Georgetown near Thompson Boat Center. Would anyone be interested or available for this?

As I've been hinting with all the links, there is a form to RSVP for these activities. Please let your voice be heard!

Embedded links not your bag? Here's the URL: http://goo.gl/forms/34PHz4jtf5

If you RSVP, two of these three things could be yours!

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